Just Doing Something

Monday, February 2, 2009

Roger...Tough Luck...By Chance

Consciously or unconsciously this blog of mine is becoming a diary of "How I spent my Weekend" which is generally by watching some cricket, a movie and cribbing about life...(in no particular order)...

This weekend was no different except that I was fortunate to watch the Rafa-Fedex rivalry reach new heights...But in the end the matador from Espaniol was too hot for the Swiss Ace..Roger to me has become error prone as he comes to terms with the reality that players are catching up with him.....

Last night at 10 o clock we decided to watch Luck by Chance and "by god kee kasam" we just about managed to get tickets...What followed in the next 2.5 hours was an amazing masterclass of creativity and narration that I have not seen before in cinema (keeping in mind my limited knowledge of the subject)..But I feel this movie is more a satire of the industry by Javed Akhtar and his gift to his children. I feel somebody so young and inexperienced like Zoya might not have enough experience to comment on the industry in such a masterly fashion..Anyways that is all in the family and who am I to spoil Zoya's party...But I thank Sumita for pushing me to watch the movie..

IN other enlightening experiences, I also learnt how important it is to have vitamin B-complex medicines with antibiotics otherwise an antibiotic for a throat infection can screw your stomach..

Anyways enough gyaan for the week...I will try to write more..but I am wondering how to make life more interesting so that I can write more..Dont know...??????//


Banker of the Future said...

I agree with u there's no better match in tennis than roger-rafal rivalry...simply awesome...they have indeed taken tennis to new levels...

for the movie it was big fiasco..we had planned to watch in cheap red lounge on sunday mor..but cud not go..thx to landlord!!!

modustollens said...

Interesting comment about Zoya. I am an unabashed fan of Rafa and a an admirer of Fed. You can attribute to Fed's domination beginning 2002 to quality of talent - conspicuous by it absence. Hewitt, that-bald-Russian-who-always-loses-in-the-semifinals, and whoever it was I guess wont even be footnotes in Tennis history. The young crop matured and he is having a tough time. This is not to say that he is any less player than what people claim he is. One thing I didnt appreciate though is that even though he received a spanking his attitude was that he was supposed to be the Champion but somehow "gifted" it to Rafa.